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L-MARK 注射器   常用注射器   液体处理注射器 瓶子&瓶盖  CTC PAL 耗材注射器技术信息



All SETonic products are controlled quality and SETonic guarantees its products are free of defects in material and workmanship.Any product which fails due out to such defects will be repaired or replaced at our discretion without cost, provided the device is returned with an explanation.

It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of application and material compatibility of the products based on the published specifications of the products. Therefore SETonic assumes no liability for damage and consequential damage caused by the use of our products.

All products provided from SETonic are wear and tear parts. SETonic does not give a warranty about the lifetime.


Return Delivery

Any product which has to be returned to SETonic GmbH must be cleaned and free from contamination (such as chemical substances hazardous to health, radioactive substances, DNA from bacteria, viruses, blood, transgene, etc.). 






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